Tuesday, August 31, 2010

New Stamps!

Look new stamps have arrived!

Wow! I can't wait to earn Puffle Rescue stamps!


Look at all that stuff!

Wow! I can't WAIT for the Fall Fair! Its going to be amazing! Just look at all the cool stuff Rockhopper is bringing!

Monday, August 30, 2010

New Weekly Field Op

When you have opened the screen above, click "accept Field-Op"
Then got to the Snow Forts and you may see a crowd. Click near the Clock Tower like below!

Then you may click "Engage"

Sunday, August 29, 2010

New Club Penguin: Game Day for Wii!

Happy77 is asking YOU to ask questions that he can answer about Club Penguin: Game Day!


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Fall Fair Set Up at Beach!

I can't wait for the Fall Fair!

Club Penguin Art For Haiti Winner!

Well, it seems this one won!

Congrats Mickey1216! It looks awesome! Great shading! I sure voted for you. Great job and keep up the great work!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

New Stage!

I'm lovin' it!

But theres no cheats! Whats up with that?!?!?!

What Happened to my stuff?

My stuff left me!

This is no doubt a glitch... some of us, our stuff went back to our old igloo and out new igloo is gone! I got pretty mad because my new igloo was my favorite and it was decorated great! Oh well. We'll see what happens. =(

New Pin!

New Club Penguin Newspaper

Wow I cannot WAIT until the fall fair! I wonder what the igloo inventory is going to look like.... =)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

New EPF Range Finder

Heres my penguin holding the new EPF Range Finder.

Ya. You can't see it very well from far away... but it looks cool on your penguin playercard! And its only 2 badges! Well, I hope you get it!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Hall of Penguins

Some awesome penguins! They are awesome! =)


This is my penguin being "rare".

Lol! I go to the servers Sleet and Frozen when I'm "rare". Idk if I'm rare or not! Those are my rarest things!

Reviewed By You

Yesterday Club Penguin posted:

Hello Penguins!

Last week we asked for submissions to our Art for Haiti competition. Thanks to your generosity, a new school is going to make a BIG difference in the community of Haiti. We asked what you've done to help others in your own community and Reenabean98said:

I love to help make a difference. My favorite way to help is by growing my hair! When my hair is 10 inches longs, I braid it and send it to Locks of Love, and they make it into a wig for people with cancer. It gives me a new look and I feel great that I did something good for someone else!

It's so amazing to hear about everything you guys do to help out. Be sure to check back tomorrow to vote on the Top 4 Art for Haiti pictures!!

Aug. 24 Blog Image.jpg
Lots of you have been asking if the Fair will be returning to the island this year. We're happy to say that the Fair will be coming in September - with a few new surprises. So this week, we'd like to know what you're looking forward to most at the Fair!

Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment. We'll post one (50 - 75 words, please) in next week's Reviewed By You. If your submission is chosen to be the feature comment on next week's blog, we'll add 10 000 coins to your penguin account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins!

Until then... Waddle on!

Wow!!!! Thats awesome! =)

New Elite Gear!

Wow check out the new Club Penguin Elite Gear!!! I can't wait to get some!!!

What do you guys think of it? =)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Club Penguin Screenhog

Today Screenhog was on the server North Pole and was making many apperances!


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Silly Ringz


I can't wait to get some! These are officially announced on Silly Bandz website!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Club Penguin Reviewed By You

Hello Penguins!

It's that time of the week when you send us your reviews. Last week we asked about your favorite kind of igloo to decorate. bluetrue2006 said:

My favorite igloo is the igloo with a yard! Where else would I put all my plants? It looks great and is fun. I use it for a beautiful garden, or sometimes an outdoor party. I think it is the best igloo! Me and my buddies love to hang out in my garden and look at all the flowers around us. Thanks for making it CP!! Waddle On!! :)

Aug. 18 Blog Image.jpg

Lots of you commented on the Art for Haiti post. It's awesome to hear how excited you are to help others! This week - big or small - we'd like to know what you've done to make a difference in your community. Tell us about it! 

Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment. We'll post one (50 - 75 words, please) in next week's Reviewed By You. If your submission is chosen to be the feature comment on next week's blog, we'll add 10 000 coins to your penguin account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins!

Sounds great!

Crazy Bands

Crazy Bands are good so thats why they are my 4th favorite!

Top Trenz

I only have 3 Top Trenz packs, but they are my 3rd fave!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Updated Image

Turns out that this is the REAL image.

Still Weird though...

Stretchy Shapes

Those are all of my Stretchy Shapes! :)

New Room?!?!

Club Penguin Pack tells us that he found this pic in a book...

It shows a gazebo, and the town seems to be backwards... what is it?

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Art For Haiti Announcment

Hello Penguins!

As many of you know, we're always trying to help kids and families all over the world. And thanks to your support and generosity, a new school has been built in Haiti.

It just needs one more thing - a painted mural for the playground... And we want YOU to design it!

August 14 Blog.jpg
Show us what having fun means to you by drawing and sending us a picture of your penguin playing with your buddies! We'll then select the Top 4 pictures, and everyone will vote for their favorite here on the What's New Blog!

If your artwork is chosen, it will be painted by one of our artists as a large wall mural. We hope this mural will help share the gift of fun with all the kids who play there.

We'll be putting up a submission page next week. Here's the Dos and Don'ts list for your picture, so you can get started:

1. Draw between two and four penguins playing together.
2. Draw the picture taking place outdoors.
3. Draw penguins with only one or two simple items. Like hats and scarves!
4. Try to use five colors or less.
5. Use any art style you like! Pencils, pens and paints are great!

1. Include any personal information (like an address).
2. Use any words.
3. Use anyone else's pictures.
4. Draw large or complicated items. (No Squidzoids!)

So what do you think? Let us know, and make sure to check back next week for more info.

Until then... Waddle on!

So, if you enter, good luck!

Silly Bandz Unicorn Sticks!

This Unicorn Sticks to surfaces! Try it!

Pre-order Justin Beiber Silly Bandz Now!

Pre-order Silly Bandz Now!

Well, That has it. They officially are coming out with Justin Beiber Silly Bandz.

Silly Bandz On Bloomberg

Click here!Slick here to see Silly Bandz on Bloomberg!

Silly Bandz Sockz!

They are now coming out with Silly Bandz Socks!

2203a Silly Sockz Alphabet

They are coming out with them at the end of September. They have Silly Bandz designs all over them and come with 13 Silly Bandz. You can check this out at jefferiessocks.com. I can't wait to get some!

Friday, August 13, 2010

New Barbie Silly Bandz

The Silly Bandz company is now making Barbie Silly Bandz!

View Image

Wow! Justin Beiber, Marvel, and now Barbie?!?! Whats next, Elmo?!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

New Club Penguin Stamps!


In the first one, you have to get 10 people to smile in one room. The second one is for members only, for completing a puzzle in the Mountain Expedition.

Cp Mountain Expedition

August 12 Blog Image.jpg

The mountain Expedition is going great! Head to the Ski Village to join all the fun! This is a sneak peak of something you'll find frozen in ice...


Justin Bieber Silly Bandz

These are the new Justin Beiber Silly Bandz design.


They're due to come out in the next 2 to 3 weeks. Mark your calendars Justin Beiber fans!

Club Penguin Mountain Expedition!

Free hats for members and non-members!

Chilly Trek Hat

An awesome catalog!

Expedition Gears

In this, you will have to click the icicles until none are left sticking up.

Icicle Guide

Then you will be at this. Nothing is to be done here,so you can move on.

Camping Area

Then, keep clicking the tree limb!

Green Leaf

Then keep clicking the ax so the tree falls!

Ax Cut

This should happen..

Wood Road

Then you will finally reach the top! Theres a free flag, when you get un-dressed, and wave, see what happens!

Expedition Final

Click the camera and get a background!

Top of the Mountain Background

I'm so excited to keep playing around!